Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Analysis Of The Poem Diving Into The Wreck - 1365 Words

â€Å"Diving into the Wreck†: An Analysis of Women’s Status Change in the Current Society At the beginning of Adrienne Rich’s poem- â€Å"Diving into the Wreck†, the poet uses â€Å"book of myths, camera, knife, body armor, and grave and awkward mask† to start the poem. Through those words, it is hard to tell if she wants to fight for women’s rights, or just â€Å"dive into the wreck.† However, in general, people usually use their cameras to take pictures or record videos to memorialize things that happened to them in the past. Therefore, why does the speaker emphasize loading the camera, and checking the knife in the poem? Going back to the poem, â€Å"First having read the book of myths/ and loaded the camera/and checked the edge of the knife-blade/† the speaker uses reading the book, load the camera, and check the knife to emphasize the process of diving into the ocean to see wrecks. In addition, the speaker wears the body-armor and puts on a mask. Under the 1970s’ context, the women’s movement just starts. So she has to be a soldier to fight for the women’s rights. She has to do it, not only for her, she also tends to help other women to fight for theirs. However, â€Å"alone† underlines her loneliness in fighting during that time. She wants to get some help but nobody can help her or support her. She is alone, therefore, she has to be strong, strengthen herself by the process of diving into the ocean. In the history of the United States, the women’s movement inspired many women to fight for theirShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Rich s Diving Into The Wreck 1258 Words   |  6 Pages If you were asked to paraphrase what happens in the poem, what would you say? What does it mean to dive into the wreck? Taking Adrienne Rich’s â€Å"Diving into the Wreck† at face value, one may literally summarize the poem by stating that an individual, hearing stories about a wrecked ship, decided to dive down to the fabled ship alone to see it for themselves and found it. However, reading between the lines, one may also feel that the poem is more than just an adventure for the narrator, but ratherRead MoreAnalysis of Diving Into the Wreck813 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of Diving Into the Wreck There are many poems in today’s literature that are detailed and paint a picture for the reader. A poem that really stands out is Diving Into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich. Rich is a well known poet born 1929 in Baltimore, Maryland (Milne). She is a very influential poet in the subjects of feminism and the rights of women. Rich’s literary work was released in the early 1970’s which was a trivial and controversial time in the rights of women. Her poem, Diving Into

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